Monday, December 16, 2024

Old Comic from Back in the Zine Days. The Second Grader. Citizen Balls.

Tried to scan it, but didn't turn out well...

Sunday, December 8, 2024

The Rocky Horror Picture Show Premiere in Austin, TX. October 2, 1975. And Other Old Showings in 1976.

Thursday, October 2:
Friday, October 3:
Saturday, October 4:
Sunday, October 5:
Monday, October 6:
May 21, 1976. First night that Rocky Horror was brought back for the late night showings:
December 26, 1976. Article about the old midnight showings down at Riverside:

Tuesday, December 3, 2024

Newspaper Ad for Blazing Saddles Mentions The Rocky Horror Picture Show.

Came across a bizarre ad for a midnight showing of Blazing Saddles announcing that "Anyone wearing a Rocky Horror t shirt gets in free!" Fucking free! What the fuck purpose could that even serve? I can only imagine that it was a mistake, since I also found the same offer from the same theater (around the same time period) for a midnight Rocky Horror showing.  (Included below.)

Mistake or not, it makes me want to write a story about a small town in Idaho in the 1970's where a midnight showing of Blazing Saddles is taken over by a theater full of hardcore Rocky Horror fans who charge in just a-whomping and a-whooping and do a shadowcast of Rocky while Blazing Saddles plays on the screen. Screaming and singing the entire script so loud that it drowns out the speakers.  Then doing the last few minutes in a quiet theater, since Rocky is 7 minutes longer. "Lost in time and lost in space. And meaning."

Then maybe, once the crowd is finished (and if the theater owner is cool), the projectionist starts up the real Rocky Horror! It's a motherfuckin' double-feature, fool!

Oh yeah, there's also one poor soul who's never seen either film and leaves confused as fuck.

Tuesday, November 19, 2024

Random Newspaper Clippings That Don't Have a Place on Happyotter, Volume 13

I thought this one was interesting because he later died of lung cancer.